Stay healthy and remember the internet is your friend

The internet. Is that a convenience or a luxury? It’s a utility in our real estate agent business. Today I want to talk to you about your real estate agent business and how important the internet can be, especially in light of this Coronavirus and all the things that are going on. Real estate agents who have been around a long time and a lot of agents that we work with realize that the utility of the internet is super important for our business as real estate agents. It’s not going away any time soon, especially when you consider how this has been amplified with the Corona virus and all the things and the craziness that’s going on. 

I believe that I wouldn’t have been able to been as successful if I hadn’t been exposed to all the tools that are available on the internet. I consistently perform at a very high level because I leverage the internet as a utility. I don’t think of it as convenience or a luxury. I think of it as a utility in my business. It’s a building block. It’s a fundamental part of my business and it always will be. In Colorado we use a system called CTM, which allows us to do electronic signatures versus the old days of faxing. This is a prime example of how we use the internet every day and maybe sometimes we forget how helpful it is, but there are so many ways that we can use the internet as a utility. 

In the past two weeks we’ve had school closures, canceled social events, and I’ve had some marketing events that I was going to attend in the spring canceled.A lot of things are changing and people are going online. Agents are utilizing their smartphones to look at what’s relevant, checking content that is up to date and current.

This is something that prospective clients are also thinking about that when they’re looking for real estate agents in your market. They’re looking at what homes are for sale, how the market is reacting. So my question is “where are you going to be showing up when clients are conducting these google searches?

The internet is not going away. It’s not going to be less important. It’s only going to be more important in your real estate business because of what’s happening. It can be a ton of wasted time and money if you don’t do it properly and you don’t do it effectively. I challenge you to change your perspective about the internet and how the internet is a utility for you to communicate with your clients and more importantly, to attract your dream clients.

I hope this helps you and motivates you to think a little bit differently about your business!