Are you tired of cold calling?
If you’re familiar with my material you’ve most likely caught on that I’m not a fan of one-to-one cold calling and soliciting. There are amazing tools out there that allow us to create a group of our dream clients and market directly to them. If we focus on figuring out who they are, and creating content to reel them in that’s where we find true sustainable success. One-to-many marketing is an efficient marketing technique that’s worth your time.
Why One-One Marketing is a Failing Strategy
Cold calling is a shotgun approach, where you’re trying to get just one client. This is a huge waste of time and there’s a better way. The internet allows us to scale up and target a whole group of our dream clients. My market is the luxury affluent second homeowner in a select few niche target market areas that I’ve focused on. This is my dream client and I know them explicitly. Where they are, how they spend their time, how much money they have, and where they see themselves in five years. I spend my valuable time creating premium content that aligns with their needs right now and answers the questions that they have about my niche target market area. This is one-to-many marketing. It can be done both online and off. Examples of online one-to-many marketing include market reports, newsletters, blog posts, video interviews, etc. Examples of offline one-to-many marketing include memberships at local clubs, supporting non-profits, and basically showing up where your clients are.
Valuable Systems to Automate Your One-Many Marketing
With the advancements in technology and the internet, there are some very valuable systems we can put in place to automate our online marketing tactics. For example, when a client used to come up to me and ask me about single-family homes in my area, say between 900k and 1m with 4 beds and 4.5 baths, I would go to the MLS, do a search and then email them a link with all of the homes that match their criteria. I’d have them take a look and let me know if any of them drew their eye. That’s the old way that we would do things.
We can now automate this process using technology. Now we have the ability to set up criteria in the MLS ourselves and create a portal for the client so that they only receive notifications about homes that meet their interest. So it automatically sends an email to the client and tells them, that a home that meets their criteria just had a price reduction that places it within their budget and they get a notification and I get a notification. This can literally be happening while we sleep.
Another example of using technology to automate your real estate agent business comes back to your online presence. When leads do a search online and find a piece of my content answering their market-related questions they’ll find valuable lead magnets like my free books, A Complete Guide to Selling Your Mountain Dream Home, and A Complete Guide to Buying Your Mountain Dream Home, or my monthly market report. This allows me to capture their email address and nurture leads on auto pilot. There’s also something called a Facebook Pixel that can retarget those same people with advertisements.

These are just a few examples of ways that we can leverage technology to save us valuable time and open up new one-to-many marketing opportunities. I tend to get really frustrated when agents say, well, I’m an old dog and I can’t learn any new tricks and I don’t want to do any of this online stuff. These agents are really missing the boat. I am all about building relationships and I’m all about the offline clients, interaction but my online and offline marketing systems are allowing me to show up as an expert for my clients, answer their questions, provide them with valuable content and keep me top-of-mind when their next transaction comes along.
How Can I Help You With Your Real Estate Agent Marketing?
Let us help you take your business to the next level.
If you are ready to take your business to the next level and get Chris and Shelby’s solutions to your real estate challenges in your market or to find out more about Real Estate System Secrets.