Why You Need Courage to be Successful in Your Real Estate Business

I listened to an interview on the radio this Memorial Day weekend that really made me think about courage and what it means, even to us real estate agents. The interview was with a West Point graduate who was being deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq and he was talking about a friend who had also gotten orders to go over there.

He lost this friend in combat over there and he was remembering that when they first got their orders they didn’t really know what they were getting in to. The person being interviewed said he confided in his friend that he was pretty scared but he didn’t know how to talk about it and he felt guilty for even feeling that way.

But his friend told him that there’s nothing wrong with being scared. Because courage isn’t about whether you’re scared or not. Courage is about doing what you need to despite being scared. And that really hit me.

I have not been in the military but I have family members and friends that are and have been in combat. Especially my wife’s family has quite a history of military service. I have so much respect for the people that have gone before us and that defend our freedoms around the world.

I don’t want to make any comparison in any way with what we do as real estate agents and what they do and the courage they must have. But I did think it was a very interesting perspective that was offered.

I talk to a lot of real estate agents that say they’re scared to start publishing premium content and to get in front of a camera and start making videos. And this puts everything into perspective a little bit. We aren’t going to be injured or possibly die with what we’re doing.

What real estate agents feel is totally different kind of fear. But the definition of courage still holds true. It’s easy to say you’re scared and then give in to that fear. Real courage is when you can admit to yourself that you’re scared and choose to do things that scare you anyway

So, be courageous and get in front of the camera and start creating premium content and videos, even if it scares you.  This is how you will attract affluent clients who know you, like you and trust you. Doing something new is often scary but find the courage to do it nonetheless because that is how you move forward and become the top real estate agent that you dream of being!

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