Overcoming the Obstacle

Do you ever think that sometimes we have an obstacle in front of us too big to overcome? There’s a challenge. There’s an issue. There’s something that’s going to prevent us from taking action because we’re scared. We are fearful. We’re not certain, we just don’t know. Right? There are all sorts of insecurities we have. Those are called internal false beliefs and external false beliefs. External beliefs are the things that are outside of your control. When it all boils down though, it’s because you have internal challenges and issues that need to be overcome.

In my opinion one of the fun things about life is getting to experience new things, whether you’re going to a new restaurant, going to watch a new movie, or going to travel someplace. It is these experiences in life that are sometimes the most memorable.

I can remember we had a family camping trip one time East of Austin in Bastrop state park. We went with another couple and it literally was a torrential downpour. Within ten minutes we had put everything in the tents from our dog, to the cooking supplies and lawn chairs, in order to avoid it all getting soaked. We then decided to basically roll the tent with all the stuff in it and get everything packed up.

Through all the chaos, my wife, Francene lost a diamond earring and it was a pretty expensive diamond earring at that time. We didn’t realize it until the evening of the next day, so you know what? We drove all the way back out there, then we’re walking around in the mud and we didn’t end up finding it, but we kind of laugh about that now. We ended up getting the earring replaced, but when we get together with that other couple, it’s an experience we still laugh and reminisce on today.

So sometimes even when it rains; even when the clouds are dark and you think you’re not going to enjoy the experience, just remember it’s part of the adventure of life. And it’s taking on these additional challenges and overcoming these obstacles that demonstrate your level of authority as a top real estate agent to potential buyers and sellers in your market.

One of the ways I do that is through my monthly market report! Click here to check out my January market report.

For me, my website is a perfect example of one of these experiences. I had fears that people wouldn’t find it valuable and it required me to get out of my comfort zone. But you know what? It’s my up-to-date website that makes me stand out. I learned that prompting people to enter their email address before viewing my newsletters, created a trade of value for both parties. The blog posts I share about different subdivisions, neighborhoods, builders, architects, nonprofits organizations, gala events, and festivals in my market not only differentiate me against other agents, but the content I share about my passions and interests also does.

It’s the content I share and most importantly, the market report that I send to my list of clients and people in the community, that add value to my name as a top real estate agent in my market.


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