Making a Conscious Decision to Change

Making a Conscious Decision to Change

Have you made the decision to make a change? If not, think about why you haven’t. And then consider making that decision to make a change now.

It’s so important in my business that I decide to make changes. Because I wake up every day with the conscious decision that I’m working on my business. It’s essential that you not only believe you are working on your business but that you’re making decisions to change the way you’re doing things.

Because if you continue doing things the way you have in the past and then you’re generally going to achieve the same results. But if you’re reading this then that means you’re looking to exceed and GROW your business and want to achieve different results than before!

To be able to achieve these results you need to change and adapt to the world around us. You need to make the actual decision that you are going to change and do things differently.

I like to use the river analogy that when you cross a river you can’t always see where you’re going to cross and stand next. But once you step on that first rock, the second frock becomes visible. And then the next one, and the next one, and the next one. Before you know it, you’ve made it across the river. But you have to take those first few steps and make the decision to continue, even if you can’t see where you’re going at first.

You have to implement that decision even if you can’t see the immediate effect. Because that decision of change will lead you to the next decision. And eventually all of these decisions and changes will transform you and take you to the next level and help you become a top real estate agent.

Think about the things you want to achieve and then make the decision to change what you are doing right now and see how it will help you real estate business grow!

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