Are You Focusing On Relationships Or Technology?

Don’t be left in the dust! Make sure you’re the one standing out amongst the other real estate agents in your market. 

Relationships versus technology is not valid question! You should be doing both. I’ve had many agents state that they aren’t on Facebook, not using social media and they’re mocking others who are using their smart phones. They hold onto the fact that they’ve built their career/business on building relationship….but those two things aren’t mutually exclusive..? So.. what’s the problem? The problem is it’s a way of thinking and it’s wrong. Let me explain..

Facebook, the internet, social media, smart phones. These are all tools. Tools you can use to assist you and help you become a better real estate agent. These are ways of marketing. Of course, we need to continue building relationships. That will never change. But you need to leverage technology to attract clients and serve your clients once you are doing business with them at the highest level. You don’t need to only build relationships offline as your only strategy in your business.

The internet, social media, emailing, your website, blog posts, market reports, publishing premium content, etc…these are all ways you can leverage technology. These are just tools that allow you to serve your clients efficiently and scale your business so that you can spend more time to build those relationships with your clients. Leveraging technology can actually help you to have more time in your business. You can automate many of those repetitive tasks in your business also.

Think about how you can use the technology to be beneficial because if you’re not using it, there’s other agents in your market that are and will pass you up and pretty much leave you in the dust..and I’m sure you don’t want that! You might as well take advantage of technology and benefit from it, right? You’ll be able to attract your dream clients, leverage these platforms to serve your clients at the highest level and help you stand out and differentiate yourself.

If you are scared of taking this next step or maybe marketing just isn’t your thing, give us a call! Let me help you! Check out our Done For You Program!

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